physiotherpyPhysiotherapy requires a personalized treatment plan that takes into account your unique situation. Our physiotherapy professionals provide customized treatment, that draws from traditional and contemporary evidence-based techniques. We begin by thoroughly assessing, and diagnosing your condition. We then put a treatment plan into motion with the intention of improving your joint mobility, muscle strength, balance, posture and endurance. Physiotherapy treats your muscles, bones, and joints using careful motions, and stretches.

Initial Visit

During your initial visit, you will receive a thorough orthopedic and neurological assessment that determines your current condition. We’ll make a record of your complete health history, and carry out any necessary physiotherapy tests so that we can formulate the best custom treatment plan for you.

If you are experiencing back pain, bursitis, discomfort as a result of your posture, or are suffering from arthritis, or a workplace or sport injury, Physiotherapy will dramatically improve your everyday life!